Toontrack – EZDrummer 2.1.6 for Mac

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Version: 2.1.6
Developer: Toontrack
Developer’s website:
Platform: Intel only
Interface language: English
Tablet: Keygen
Size: 45.32 GB

“Standalone” program and VSTi / AU for quickly creating drum parts in different styles.
EZdrummer 2 takes the process of creating drum parts to a new level! The new version erases any technical barriers between you and your creativity, and introduces several innovative features for quick and easy music composition. In EZdrummer 2 you can take your initial rhythmic idea and turn it into a finished, mixed and ready drum track.(c)


1. Installed EZDrummer 2.0
2. Update 2.14.
3. Replaced files from the Crack folder.
4. Launched the Keygen, generated a serial number.
5. Opened EZD – in the registration window, selected Offline.
6. Inserted the serial number, received an ID.
7. Inserted the ID into the keygen, saved the .ttauth file to the desktop.
8. In the registration window, specified the path to the file.
That’s it.

More details about the installation

If you have problems with the installation, I did it like this.

1. Installed EZDrummer 2.0 in this order.

2. EZdrummer_Update_MAC_216

3. Replaced files from the Crack folder.
( Updates and Crack.dmg)

EZdrummer.component —> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components this is for Logic and Garageband
EZdrummer.vst —> /Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/VST this is for Cubase and for EZ Drummer Standalone app (copy is mandatory!!)
EZdrummer.dpm —-> /Library/Application Support/Digidesign/Plug-Ins and for ProTools 10 (those who do not have Pro Tools – they do not need)

4. Launched the Keygen, generated a serial number.
(I have a Mac, I opened the keygen in parallel with Windows)

5. Opened EZD – in the registration window, selected Offline.
6. Inserted the serial number, received an ID.
7. Inserted the ID into the keygen, saved the .ttauth file to the desktop.
8. In the registration window, specified the path to the file.

Installed and everything works (But only two basic libraries)

Install additional libraries

When installing the basic EZDrummer, the following list is created
In the folder of each instrument, two folders are created

Run the iso file of any instrument (For example, EZX Electronic.iso)
Open the EZHOME folder
Copy the contents of the EZX_Electronic folder and throw it here Open the midi folder from the iso, copy the 13@EZX_ELECTRONIC folder Throw it into the midi folder of the installed EZDrummer Run EZDrummer, click on Electronic and register. Open the keygen in Windows (opened it from the Updates 3 folder, but all that are in the distribution are suitable) Selected the product received the serial number Pasted it into the registration window Copied the ID, pasted it into the keygen, received the code. Pasted it into the registration window and authorized. Everything works. Some libraries failed to register such as EZX2 Dream Pop EZX_Big_Rock_Drums EZX_Seventies_Rock EZX_Trad_Country do not ask for serial number during registration. ———-

if there is no installer, or if it does not start, or something else is wrong,
manually copy the sounds and midi folders to the same place where you have all the other libraries

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