Native Instruments – Session Guitarist Electric Storm Deluxe (KONTAKT)

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Publisher: Native Instruments
Format: KONTAKT 8.1.0+
Quality: Mono 48 kHz 16 bit
Size: 18.25 GB

Eight-string electric guitar.

• Five-octave drop-style eight-string electric guitar with powerful lows
• Create ruthless riffs and killer solos with 270 patterns
• Shape any tone with advanced amp and stompbox emulators powered by Guitar Rig 7 Pro

What’s new in Electric Storm Deluxe?

Electric Storm Deluxe offers most technical features found in other products of the Session Guitarist series, while it also adds new features:

  • Amp chains: In addition to the main effects chain there are now two dedicated amp chains as well as the mic chain for individual signal processing.
  • New effects: Kolor, Skreamer Deluxe, Superfast, Wow & Flutter, Freak, and Bite have been added to the Amps & Effects browser.
  • New cabinets: New cabinets have been added to the Amps & Effects browser.
  • Just intonation: The Tuning control on the Guitar Settings page now features just intonation.
  • Killswitch: Pressing the Bb keyswitch with a velocity below 65 cuts out the direct sound but not the effects.
  • Extended playing range: To accommodate for extra low notes, the entire playing range has been shifted and extended by one octave.

About Session Guitarist – Electric Storm Deluxe

Electric Storm Deluxe combines a pattern-based guitar library with a sophisticated multisample set, designed to deliver authentic-sounding riffs, picking, and strumming patterns for songwriting and music production. Its samples originate from a custom-made Framus 8-string guitar with a 30″ scale, designed specifically for high gain and ultra-low tuning. This unique instrument features a humbucker bridge pickup and a single coil neck pickup, which are both available in Electric Storm Deluxe, either individually or combined.

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