Fracture Sounds – Blueprint #14 String Trio (KONTAKT)

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Publisher: Fracture Sounds
Format: KONTAKT 7.0.0+
Quality: Mono 48 kHz 24 bits
Size: 1.97 GB

Solo string trio – violin, viola and cello. Trio of solo strings playing in neoclassical style, with three articulations and different microphone placements.

Blueprint: String Trio combines solo violin, viola, and cello recordings into one easy-to-use ensemble patch. With long sustain, staccato, and pizzicato variations, it’s a great starting point for composing individual string parts.
Recorded in Nave Studios in a neoclassical style, the library features close, mid, and far mic mixes, giving you complete control over how deep or ambient you want the strings to be.


• Dynamics: Control the dynamics with the modulation wheel/CC1
• Colour: The EQ effect lets you change the brightness of the overall sound.
• Stereo Width: Control the stereo widening effect: turn clockwise for a wider signal, counterclockwise for a mono signal
• Reverb: Control the amount of reverb with additional settings in the gear menu
• Mic Mix: Adjust the amount of close, mid, and far mics. Mute, solo, or delete the dry layer and individual atmospheric layers from memory. Blend close and far mixes
• Tightness: Controls the sample offset. It is recommended to set this value to 0 to account for bow noise before the note
• Dynamic Response: Controls how much the instrument volume affects dynamic modulation

NKS Support and Kontakt Player Compatibility

We are pleased to offer full NKS support for Blueprint: String Trio. Harnessing the power of Native Instruments’ Komplete Kontrol keyboards, you get full control of the instrument using the built-in display and parameter controls on the keyboard. This also means that Blueprint: String Trio is accessible to blind and visually impaired musicians. Additionally, the library is compatible with the free Kontakt Player via Native Access, meaning you can use it without purchasing additional software. You can download Kontakt Player from the Native Instruments website.


• Solo violin, solo viola and solo cello combined into an ensemble patch
• Near, middle and far microphones
• 3 articulations (sustain, staccato and pizzicato)
• Simple and easy-to-use interface
• Full NKS support: works with Komplete Kontrol hardware
• Works in the free Kontakt Player (version 7.0.0 and higher)

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