Cytomic – The Glue v1.7.7 for Windows

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Developer: Cytomic
Developer’s website:
Format: VST, VST3, AAX
Bit depth: 64bit
Tablet: Present [R2R]
System requirements: WIN 7+
Size: 55 MB

Glue is an analog modeling compressor that is inspired by a classic 80’s British compressor designed for large consoles. It has a number of handy additional features.

The compressor operates smoothly and transparently, using the same high-quality algorithms as the circuit simulators, but optimized for fast operation.

In addition to standard compressor controls, Glue offers:
• Mix – to adjust the signal level;
• Range – to adjust the range;
• Sidechain High Pass – to control the signal level in the side channel;
• support for external Sidechain;
• Peak Clip – to limit the maximum signal level;
• Advanced Oversampling – to improve sound quality.

V1.7.7 (September 22, 2024)
• Fix: Reverted to software renderer on Windows to fix Juce 8 Direct2D bugs.

V1.7.6 (August 26, 2024)
• Fix: UI scale now resets correctly between closing and reopening the UI.
interface, from composition state and from the global default value.V1.7.5 (Aug 24, 2024)
• Fix: Workaround for a bug in Juce 8 D2D causing a crash when resizing by dragging on Win.
• Fix: Use light font in menu to improve readability on non-HiPDI monitors.

V1.7.4 (Aug 5, 2024)
• Fix: Workaround for a bug in Juce 8 D2D where the login window was not rendered properly on Win.V1.7.3 (Aug 2, 2024)
• Fix: Added back shift modifier for fine control of handles when dragging.

V1.7.2 (31 Jul 2024)
• New: Added text display of RMS and Peak gain reduction when hovering over VU.
• Fix: Renamed built-in fonts to avoid collisions with system fonts

V1.7.1 (30 Jul 2024)
• New: Updated to Juce version 8.0.1.

Remove previous versions.
Install the plugin(s). 

Run the plugin and start offline authorization.
Copy the call code. Run our keygen.

Enter your name and paste the call code.
Generate a *.txt response file.

Drag and drop the answer file into the GUI.
Log in and enjoy!

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