Cableguys – Nicky Romero Kickstart 2 v2.0.6​ for Windows

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Release Date: 05/23/24
Developer: Cableguys
Format: VST, VST3, AAX 64bit
Tablet: Present [BUBBiX]
Size: 8.2 MB

Instantly solves the problem of inconsistent, dirty kicks and bass. Forget about compressors – Nicky Romero and Cableguys have collected everything you need for professional sidechaining in one fast and easy plugin. Just include Kickstart in any track to instantly reduce the volume of each kick drum, making room for the bass. Now your kicks and bass will break through the speakers with professional punch, clarity and groove. Use it for EDM, trap, house, hip-hop, techno, DnB – whatever.

1. Install the plugin.
2. Use the “license.lic” file to activate.
You can change the email column in the license to any other email/username, either before or after registration.

P.S. Sometimes it is useful to change the license, at least after the developer prohibits fake name/email and you cannot update the presets. You can use our license file to change the reginfo of other groups. And it works on all previous Cableguys releases.

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