Audija – KickDrum v2.0.2 for Windows [MOCHA]

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Version: 2.0.2
Developer: Audija
Developer’s website:
Format: VST3,64bit
Tablet: Cured
System requirements: Win +7
Size: 17.4 MB

Precise bass drum synthesis with a unique engine that updates the audio buffer during editing. This approach provides high-quality audio processing and instant visual feedback, freeing up the DSP during playback. The modular device chain now provides full signal path customization by adding, removing, reordering and nesting devices, allowing you to apply effects where needed.


• OSC: Sine wave generator with harmonic distortion and the ability to lock the phase zero crossing in time, which can be used to create a perfect transition into a bass line without manually adjusting the initial phase angle each time the pitch changes.
• SAMPLE : Sampler for cutting, moving, stretching and inverting phases in .wav and .aiff files
• EQ : Linear phase equalizer with unlimited bands, supporting filter types such as low-pass, low-cut, bell, notch, high-pass and high-pass (up to 16th order)
• ENV : Gain envelope for shaping volume over time
• SAT : Tanh saturator with additional modifiers for subtle saturation to “off-the-scale” overdrive
• CLIP : Soft-to-hard clipper (Additional units in development)


• Unit settings such as mix, gain, drive, ceiling and more can be automated using the internal automation system.

Analysis Function

• The SAMPLE device includes an Analysis function that converts a sample into a device chain consisting of either OSC/ENV or OSC/EQ/ENV + SAMPLE/EQ.
• The analyzed sample is now fully editable

Bezier Curve Features

• Freely moveable Bezier gravity points between nodes
• Log view: Nodes can be spaced logarithmically in time, allowing the front workspace to stretch and the back workspace to shrink.
• Capabilities applicable to one or more nodes using the lasso:
• Node connections can be smoothed for gradual transitions.
• Nodes can be finely adjusted horizontally or vertically.
• Nodes can be keyed


• Three separate comparison slots (A, B, C) allow each state to be copied to another, making it easy to compare changes between preset iterations.


• A full-featured Preset Manager is available for loading, saving and updating presets. It also allows you to view, create, rename and delete folders to effectively organize your preset collections
• The Preset Manager search function allows you to search by preset name, author, tags, key, date and length
• Presets can also be cycled and updated directly from the main menu


• Signal Path Visualization: The signal path can be visualized and inspected after each device, with each device’s waveform being:
• On or off
• Colored differently
• Set to a specific transparency
• Displayed as a line or filled
• Grid line display can be toggled on and off, and the grid interval can be freely adjusted.
• OSC pitch node tags (clef, Hz, and milliseconds) can be toggled on and off, and their size can be changed
. • Decibel scale can be toggled on and off.


• The waveform, pitch keyboard, decibel scale, and EQ spectrogram can be freely moved with single-sample accuracy.


• Duration can be set in milliseconds or relative to the tempo in fractions (e.g. 1/4, 1/8, etc.)


• Built-in optional AutoGain function maintains peak hit gain at a specific dB level.
• Velocity sensitivity: output gain can be dependent on the velocity of the input note.

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